Change your life right now! What does it take? Most people know that it takes a while before a person can reach his goals and change his life. And while this is a an unquestionable fact, it  doesn’t mean that you can’t make small changes to improve your life in few weeks if not  in few days!

While you can’t reach your life’s goals overnight you still can take small actions that can help you live a better life almost instantly. Here are some quick-fix ways below. Be warned though: quick fixes fade as quickly as they appear. The best way to build true confidence is to employ these and other skills on this blog on a long-term basis. Additional reading: 5 ways to boost confidence in 48 hours.

This is a guest post by Farouk Radwan.

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It can be  intimidating starting Confidence building activities. This is why we’re running a series on this site to show you some confidence building activities you can easily do from your own comfort zone. We will go tackle them one by one to give you a chance to provide some feed-back, and of course to air your concerns/views. Let’s kick off this confidence building activities series by talking about your smile. 

Smiling not only improves your mood. It also influences the way others see you.  We’ve already discussed that the way you think has a lot to do with your confidence. But not only that, the way other people see you also influences the way you see yourself. This is why smiling is important. A smile can get you what you want even if the person doing the giving was in a bad mood to begin with. Smiles are contagious. If you approach the counter at an office, the reception at a busy hotel desk, or a fellow shopper who’s tall enough to get the box of cereal down from the top shelf; remember you’re not the only one who’s nervous. The person at the other end of the desk interviewing you is most likely a bit shaky as well. Break a smile and show people you’re there to be nice – you’re not the enemy. Even if you don’t feel like smiling, do it and the rest will follow. People who’re confident don’t hide their faces. They stand straight, look up, and smile!

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