Get past your past will show you there’s more to living than citing your upbringing for your lack of confidence. Getting past your past may not be something you do automatically or indeed, easily. Many people hold onto their past like a dirty, comfort blanket. They refuse to let it go because they’re scared to strip the baggage away to see what’s left of who they really are. Of course, letting go can be extremely difficult, but dirty things, if kept close can infect you will all sorts of germs. Some of those are bacteria which, when full-blown, can cause death or lasting damage. In order to get past your past you’ve got to be willing to drop some of the dirty, heavy bits weighing you down. You’ve allowed too much to collect on your shoulders. Get ready to lighten up your load because here are 3 very basic ways to get you on the road towards getting past your past and build your confidence for the future.

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In order to build confidence, we need to answer this question: What is confidence? ‘Confidence’ is defined as belief in the truth about something. Note: confidence is not necessarily knowing the truth about something. It’s the belief  in the truth about that thing. Confidence is to be certain, to have faith, to be assured. Build Confidence: You Can Do It  gives you the top-up you need today to have that faith in yourself.

The relationship between reality and imagination is made smaller by confidence. This is so because the physical brain can’t really tell the difference between the two. Confidence, therefore, bridges the gap the mind knows is there. When in doubt about your abilities don’t stand still, just take the plunge. This is confidence.

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It can be  intimidating starting Confidence building activities. This is why we’re running a series on this site to show you some confidence building activities you can easily do from your own comfort zone. We will go tackle them one by one to give you a chance to provide some feed-back, and of course to air your concerns/views. Let’s kick off this confidence building activities series by talking about your smile. 

Smiling not only improves your mood. It also influences the way others see you.  We’ve already discussed that the way you think has a lot to do with your confidence. But not only that, the way other people see you also influences the way you see yourself. This is why smiling is important. A smile can get you what you want even if the person doing the giving was in a bad mood to begin with. Smiles are contagious. If you approach the counter at an office, the reception at a busy hotel desk, or a fellow shopper who’s tall enough to get the box of cereal down from the top shelf; remember you’re not the only one who’s nervous. The person at the other end of the desk interviewing you is most likely a bit shaky as well. Break a smile and show people you’re there to be nice – you’re not the enemy. Even if you don’t feel like smiling, do it and the rest will follow. People who’re confident don’t hide their faces. They stand straight, look up, and smile!

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Confidence journey – what is it about? Ever since we were little, the things we did and the people we met all contributed to our confidence level. Mind you, they haven’t determined our confidence, (we do that) – they just contributed to it. The things we were able to do well showed us we were good at some things. The things we were unable to do showed us our weaknesses (and we all have them). The people we saw and lived with all told us in word and action how able or how deficit we were. This article is about your confidence journey and how you can make it a better one.

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What is confidence? A Google search reveals that, ‘Confidence is the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something; firm trust’. I suppose confidence can be described as such but in most cases, confidence – whatever it is – is missing in our lives. How can we then know how to describe it? It’s not that we don’t have confidence, it’s just that it’s been so buried – so deeply – for such a long time, we no longer know what it feels like. Confidence, therefore can be a state of mind, firmly sharpened by constant use.

It’s not ‘just’ a feeling. Confidence is also a state of being. Like intelligence, without constant use, it can also be stripped away. You used to have this get-up-and-go. Life, unfortunately has taught you to be more careful, to think more – and for longer. You’ve allowed life to shave the sharp end off your omph. You’ve let go of that sense of what made you push forward with that ‘I can do it spirit’. You’ve just let it fall out of your hand by slow and steady release.

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