Have you worked so hard at achieving something only to end up with nothing show for it in the end? Have you considered there are more ways than one to achieve your goal? Confidence is a shy companion. No matter how much confidence you build up he can seep gradually into the background if you keep getting knock-backs in your life. A person bubbling over with confidence can be a dribbling wreck – a shell of a person if everything they tried their hands on in one year has gone to mush. Like we said, confidence is a shy creature.
There are more ways than one
I live on a busy street in a small village. About 5 minutes away from us, there’s a huge housing estate and everyone who lives there has to travel on my road to get to the city centre for work during the morning rush hour. In addition, I live a stone’s throw away from a large secondary school. Each morning the traffic outside our house is manic as parents try to drop off their kids to school, driving slowly so as not to hit any of the hundreds of kids who amble on the pavement (side walk) on their way to school. The only thing that makes the morning rush bearable is the beautiful line of large trees which stand on the side of the road opposite our house.
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I’m confident the following quotes will bring insight to you. They are some things I’ve learnt over the years. I have to keep them in the forefront of my mind, or life gets stressful and full of anxiety and un-fulfilment. I wanted to share them with you to help you on your journey to self-discovery and self-confidence. These quotes will definitely be a big plus to your happiness levels!
Confident quotes for happiness
Be content to say, ‘I don’t know’ from time to time. The day you know all the answers is the day your life becomes a mere existence.
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The presence of hundreds of methods for building self-confidence and the information overload we’re all experiencing in this era have left many people confused about the best ways to build self confidence.This article will explore 5 of the most effective methods there are, which can work for almost anyone.
A guest post by M.Farouk Radwan
How to build self-confidence
Build self-confidence by acquiring the missing skills
One of the best ways to build self-confidence is to learn new skills. Anxiety attacks when you find yourself unsure of your ability to do a certain task. This usually happens when you lack certain important skills required to get the job done. Once you manage to learn that skill and master it your self-confidence will become higher.
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We looked at this article where we discussed, How to Build Confidence to Delegate. We examined the three main reasons people can’t delegate and came up with some revealing issues about personalities which were frankly depressing. This is not the end of the story though. We all know that the first part to rectifying a problem is accepting that it exists. Now that we’ve identified these areas that need work, let’s look at the three ways we can build confidence to delegate.
Please note: it would be better to read part one of this article before continuing with this one.
How to build confidence to delegate: 2
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How to Build Confidence to Delegate will show you 3 main reasons people cannot delegate and how to break the spell and build confidence to do so (in the second half). A lot of people prefer to do everything themselves, no matter how stressful this becomes. Do you know someone like this? Are you this person? Being unable to delegate says more about you, than about the person to whom the delegation is/isn’t made.
How to build confidence to delegate
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This post will give you the ‘pick me up‘ you need in a few short sentences. Do you feel a bit down? Are you looking for a way to just put that spark back into your life today? Is your mood letting you down – not allowing you to feel the way you want to feel? Well then, jump aboard!
Everything today is about quick and easy access. Chopped vegetables, microwaveable dinners, two-in-one-shampoos, online-banking; and the list dribbles on. Here’s my version of quick and easy fixes when it comes to that brisk pick-me-up.
Today’s pick me up

little pick me ups capture the beauty from the inside, then radiate it outward - like the detail of this water lily
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