We looked at this article where we discussed, How to Build Confidence to Delegate. We examined the three main reasons people can’t delegate and came up with some revealing issues about personalities which were frankly depressing. This is not the end of the story though. We all know that the first part to rectifying a problem is accepting that it exists. Now that we’ve identified these areas that need work, let’s look at the three ways we can build confidence to delegate.

Please note: it would be better to read part one of this article before continuing with this one. 

How to build confidence to delegate: 2


having the confidence to delegate frees you to enjoy beauties of life

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How to Build Confidence to Delegate will show you 3 main reasons people cannot delegate and how to break the spell and build confidence to do so (in the second half). A lot of people prefer to do everything themselves, no matter how stressful this becomes. Do you know someone like this? Are you this person? Being unable to delegate says more about you, than about the person to whom the delegation is/isn’t made. 

How to build confidence to delegate


filling your life with jobs others can do will block view of the beauties of life

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How to build confidence in your kids today will briefly discuss a couple of things you can do today to help them grow confident and self-assured. Not many parents have a lot of time on their hands, but the thing about being a parent is that you’re obliged to make time for the kids you’ve been given charge of. You desperately wanted them. You love them and made a fuss of them when they were babies – and when they were little. Now they’re getting up and getting themselves dressed. You’re rushing out to work and hardly even looked at what they were wearing today. Why the rush?

Why are you rushing out without seeing them? You’re going to work to put food on the table and a home above their heads – that’s right. You’re rushing around to make their lives more comfortable. Please stop and think for a moment about how you can make their lives more fulfilling.

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Confidence journey – what is it about? Ever since we were little, the things we did and the people we met all contributed to our confidence level. Mind you, they haven’t determined our confidence, (we do that) – they just contributed to it. The things we were able to do well showed us we were good at some things. The things we were unable to do showed us our weaknesses (and we all have them). The people we saw and lived with all told us in word and action how able or how deficit we were. This article is about your confidence journey and how you can make it a better one.

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