Do you have trouble claiming your blessings? Do you try for a while to appreciate what you have but so get distracted by other people’s accomplishments, you forget how valuable yours are? Do you find yourself so overly concerned with what others are doing, you lose track of the direction in which you’re leading your life? If this is you, you may not be claiming your blessings as your own. You’re steadily allowing them to fall from your grasp and wither away. In order to confidently claim blessings, you need to focus – focus on what’s in front of you, already in your hands. This short article will spur you on the confidently claim the blessings you’ve already received in your life. 

I gave my son 2 twenty pence pieces today. Then I gave his younger sister a small handful of five pence coins. ‘How come she’s got more than me!’ he said indignantly. He swallowed a mouthful of further complains when I told him his sister had only thirty pence, to his forty.

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we all start out unfinished

 It’s easy to say, ‘change your life’, isn’t it? But what does this mammoth task involve? What does someone have to do in order to change their life – grow their life? Do they have to move house? Get divorced? Get married? Quit their dead end job? How can you take something as important as a life and change it or grow it? The answer is simpler than you think.

When we find the answer to changing our life in order to grow into the person we know we are on the inside, what does it take to implement? But not only this, can the weak and imperfect change their lives? Some may say, ‘I’m poor, I have no opportunities’. ‘I’m uneducated, I have no options’. ‘I’m a single parent, I have no time’. ‘I’m from a minority ethnic group, I have no power’. ‘I’m too young, I have no rights’. Is there a common soapbox on which someone can stand and address all these groups with the words, ‘Change your life, grow your life’?
This post is addressing especially those who feel they’re not worthy of achieving great things. You see, we all start out unfinished. It’s up to us to advance and emerge into something great. Like the hellebore flower on the top left, we don’t reach our full potential in the earlier years of our lives (it takes longer for some of us). If we did, what would there be to hope for, right? The truth is, even the badly-formed or the least talented can change their lives and grow into something remarkable. 

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How many times have you heard the term, work with what you have? Has it become a cliche, or do you apply it to your life on a regular basis? Intellectually, I know I should work with what I have, but I have to confess that sometimes I let pride get in the way and lose precious energy and time worrying about what I don’t have. The same works for self-confidence. Do you worry about your inability to speak in public or do you work to enhance the inherent talent you have of consoling your friends on a one-to-one basis?

I didn’t plant sunflowers last year. We’d moved house recently so I was busy trying to get the house in order and missed my chance the get the seeds sown in time. However, yesterday I went to a field to play cricket with my family and noticed a tiny yellow weed growing out of the dry, patchy grass.

I took a close-up picture of it on my mobile phone – no fancy cameras, no trick photography – just a phone photo. I noticed that this little weed looked as grand and as beautiful as my previous years’ sunflowers. 

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Have you worked so hard at  achieving something only to end up with nothing show for it in the end? Have you considered there are more ways than one to achieve your goal? Confidence is a shy companion. No matter how much confidence you build up he can seep gradually into the background if you keep getting knock-backs in your life.  A person bubbling over with confidence can be a dribbling wreck – a shell of a person if everything they tried their hands on in one year has gone to mush. Like we said, confidence is a shy creature.

There are more ways than one


even in a maze, there are more ways than one to get to the goal

I live on a busy street in a small village. About 5 minutes away from us, there’s a huge housing estate and everyone who lives there has to travel on my road to get to the city centre for work during the morning rush hour. In addition, I live a stone’s throw away from a large secondary school. Each morning the traffic outside our house is manic as parents try to drop off their kids to school, driving slowly so as not to hit any of the hundreds of kids who amble on the pavement (side walk) on their way to school. The only thing that makes the morning rush bearable is the beautiful line of large trees which stand on the side of the road opposite our house.

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I’m confident the following quotes will bring insight to you. They are some things I’ve learnt over the years. I have to keep them in the forefront of my mind, or life gets stressful and full of anxiety and un-fulfilment. I wanted to share them with you to help you on your journey to self-discovery and self-confidence. These quotes will definitely be a big plus to your happiness levels!


happiness and confidence does not come from existing only for (or by) yourself

Confident quotes for happiness

Be content to say, ‘I don’t know’ from time to time.  The day you know all the answers is the day your life becomes a mere existence.

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Where are you leading your life today and what steps are you taking to  get to where you want to be (now you know where you want to go)?

Are those steps leading you away from your goals? Decide on the first step – the very first one – you need to begin your journey and take it today!

See other confidence quotes on this site.

You can get Anne's inspirational memoir by clicking on the page called, 'Anne's Memoir' above.