‘Confidence To Have Peace’ seeks to explore the possibility that we take on too much in our lives. It will offer some ideas for you to take (or not), but mainly to discuss what brings us peace and how we can all have it in our lives. Have the confidence to  find peace and keep it in your life! Have the confidence to accept that life is not just about achieving, but about being

A lot of the things we do are extra stuff we feel we have to take on. Many of the pressures we put on ourselves like our growing expenses and circle of friends we ‘must’ keep up with are things we could safely get rid of without a negative impact on our lives (or that of our loved ones).

What are you taking on in our life that is putting more unnecessary pressure on than you can handle? As a believer, sometimes we think we’re responsible for bearing the burden of what only God can, and wants to do. 

It’s time to let God handle the heavy things in your life and free yourself of some of that burden. Give yourself the chance to enjoy the peace available to you. Here are some ways to do so.

Confidence to have peace



1. Have peace by letting go

Let go of things in your life which are holding you captive. Is it hate, fear, low confidence? I don’t believe in making new year’s resolutions, but I’m aware that people use this time of year to make changes in their lives – to honour goals and long-term dreams. Use the mark of this new year to decide to let go and realise that God can bear bigger burdens than we can ever imagine. You’re strong, you’re precious and you can and will do it – starting with that decision.

2. Have peace by accepting

Have peace by accepting there are things in your life you can’t and never will be able to change. Once you’ve accepted that, the first step has been taken. There are things about you that will never be exactly the way you want them to be. Accept peace by taking advantage of your stronger points, and let go of the things you’ll never be able to change.

Accept that there are people in your life you may never be able to help. Help the ones you can – the ones who will accept your assistance.

Accept that life will have its downs. It’s these very downs that make the ups so exciting and enjoyable.

Accept that there will always be bigger things than you, bigger tasks than you can handle, bigger situations you’ll never understand. Have faith that it will all work out for the best.

3. Have peace by being content

This has been said so many times, in so many different ways it’s become somewhat of a cliché. We all know that being content is not just about being happy with what you have. Being content is more than that. It’s accepting that what you have at this point in time is just what you need. It’s about believing that all you have is right for you and is what you deserve. 

Contentment doesn’t happen to you. It’s a concious choice.


Being content sometimes carries the connotation of not having ambition. This is a misunderstanding of the true meaning of contentment. Contented people are ambitious people.

The difference between unhappy, tormented ambitious people and content, happy ambitious people is that members of the latter group are confident in their choices. They know that they’re on the right track to achieve their goals. They know that their journey towards their destination is a secure one. This is what brings them contentment – their confidence that their ambitions will come to fruition.

So how about you? Do you have the confidence to accept the peace in your life? What advice can you offer about having peace in your life? How do you do it? Do you have the confidence  to have peace?


28 Responses to “Confidence To Have Peace”

  1. Hiten says:

    Hi Anne,

    Happy New Year to you!

    I really appreciated this post as it contained some very important messages in it.

    As you quite rightly said, so many people believe those who go with the natural flow of life and are peaceful, are not ambitious. Nothing could be further from the truth. What many perceived ‘peaceful’ looking people have learnt to do is to achieve what they want while not being resistant to the natural changes, which occur in life.

    The way I accept peace in my life is to do what you have already advised, which is to truly appreciate that what I have in my life at the present moment is what I need.
    Hiten recently posted..How to create compelling goals for 2013My Profile

    • Anne says:

      HI Hiten,
      It’s great to hear that you already appreciate that what you have is what you need. I had to work on that for a while before I actually got it. When I did, things became much clearer for me.
      Thanks for stopping by.
      Anne recently posted..Bedroom 1 Make-OverMy Profile

  2. Hi Anne,

    I would have to say Yes to your question. I do have peace in my life.
    It took choice to do so, but I was adamant about living a peaceful life. I couldn’t do it without my faith in God.
    There are members in my family that tend to lean on me and also have negative behaviors. So what’s a gal to do? I had to pray really hard to Let go…and so I did. I can now accept them for who they are, but make boundaries so they won’t tug on my life.
    I can love them.
    Letting go is the first step. But it takes a while. Acceptance is another to work on. It became a habit and thereby became part of me.
    Also, with the world going through so many changes I could get lost in sorrow or anger if I turned on the TV so I don’t. If I see injustice on the news, I immediately go to prayer.
    You know, there has been studies that people who have spirituality in their lives have a quicker healing when it comes to emotional or physical illnesses.
    My connection with God does help because I believe with all my heart, there is a purpose for me in this world and it is to do God’s work. I cannot do that if I didn’t have peace in my heart.
    Thanks for bringing up such a great subject,
    Donna Merrill recently posted..The Inner Marketer Day 1My Profile

    • Anne says:

      Hi Donna, I do appreciate your insightful comment. You’re so right. Without God in my life, I don’t think I could see things clearly. It’s faith that has brought me so far (considering my background).

      I can believe those studies. I’ve seen it at play in my own life.

      Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Dennis Do says:

    I am so big on number 2.. I’ve learned to just accept things as they are, whether it is good or bad. It’s just too stressful to fight for something you have no control for.
    Dennis Do recently posted..Why Failure Happens Every YearMy Profile

  4. Anne, I love, love, love this post! It seems it was written just for me! I have wrestled with all three of the points you listed above. The great thing is that we can practice the positive sides of those points. One of my personal guidelines is to let go of low self-confidence this year; embrace acceptance and surrender; and practice contentment through daily gratitude.

    • Anne says:

      Thank you, Steve. It means a lot to me that you’ve gotten so much from the post.
      And you’ve expressed the entire article succinctly in your last sentence, “let go of low self-confidence this year; embrace acceptance and surrender; and practice contentment through daily gratitude.”

  5. I like peace, and those are true, letting go of all the things that bog you down will bring peace. Being content will totally bring peace.
    self sagacity recently posted..Bad Haircut Blunt Short Bangs – Thursday Two Questions #115My Profile

    • Anne says:

      HI Amanda, Thanks for popping by.

      Yes, contentment is very important for peace. And contentment has no relation to how much you have. Many people have so much and are still always thinking about the things they don’t have – making themselves very unhappy.

      Here and now is the most important lesson for contentment. I have so much now and I’m happy about that.

  6. farouk says:

    very good post Anne
    inner conflict can result in misery , i believe reaching inner peace must be an important goal for everyone, thanks
    farouk recently posted..Understanding jealousy in men and womenMy Profile

  7. Hey Anne, Happy New Years!

    Loved this article, it basically breaks down what the message inside the serenity prayer. I know #2 has definitely played a major role in my life. The ability to just accept the things that I cannot change has healed past wounds and allowed me to keep going. Without being able to find the peace in God to accept whats beyond my control I don’t know where I’d be…

    Philippians 4:6-8 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

    The scripture above pretty much sums it all up for me though. Thanks for another great post Anne!
    Maurice Lindsay recently posted..Can God Trust You Enough To Bless You?My Profile

    • Anne says:

      Thanks for your input, Maurice. Sorry about the delay in answering. I thought I did, but then realised I didn’t.

      The Philippians passage you quoted is one of my favourites. I memorised it a long time ago and recite it when I feel unsure of something in my life.

      Thanks for bringing it to mind.
      Anne recently posted..Functional EntrywaysMy Profile

  8. marquita herald says:

    Inspirational as always Anne. The little nuget that is especially meaningful for me is “accept that there are people in your life you may never be able to help.” I spent nearly a decade as a life and small business coach and one of the hardest lessons for me to learn was that some people are determined to go their own way, regardless of the circumstances. I used to make myself ill trying to find ways to prevent people from self-destructing, until I finally managed to come to terms with how to let go and bless someone on their way. As I find myself easing back into the coaching arena, this is a very important reminder 🙂

    • Anne says:

      Yes, it is, Marty. And I’m glad this part of the post means something to you. I found a while ago that there were people in my life who, no matter how much I loved them and wanted them to change their lives, it was never going to happen.

      Many people are happy to sit and blame someone else for their mistakes. It’s only until they WANT to change – that a change is going to happen for them. We can’t orchestrate that change, no matter if we kill ourselves in the process. Thanks for stopping by.

  9. Donna DM says:

    Very nice. letting go is so important.
    Donna DM recently posted..This Way and That WayMy Profile

  10. The unconscious mind prepares a detailed treatment for you. The unconscious mind starts analyzing your life biography from the beginning of your existence. You understand the real meaning of all the facts and events that marked your life. You overcome old traumas thanks to the explanations you have about the human nature, and about your personal problems
    আরিফুল ইসলাম recently posted..কিওয়ার্ড রিসার্চMy Profile

  11. if you have no confidence you have no peace in life. give love to others to have a good relation to your family. Even there are problems but dont forget to thanks the people around you.

  12. To accept that you cannot pleased everyone is another piece of advice to accept peace in your heart. At work, there will always be hard people. If you let them influence you, your daily existence would absolutely end up into an undesirable one.

  13. Samuel says:

    Thank you Anne for this gem of information.

    I’ll also add to it by saying that one’s inner peace leads to peace with others. I’ll echo the words of someone who said that the reason human beings are not at peace with fellow human beings, is because they are not at peace with themselves. And they are not at peace with themselves, because they are not at peace with their Maker-God!…It begins here…

  14. Astrologer says:

    Philippians 4:6-8 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. I used to make myself ill trying to find ways to prevent people from self-destructing, until I finally managed to come to terms with how to let go and bless someone on their way.

  15. narasareddy says:

    your article is very impressive and it will change our mind set…….

  16. Mark Katavice says:

    I am fully appropriated with your compliment to achieve peace and happiness in our life.I think in our life we have a lot of personal problem that we are crate it by our self.To overcame these kind of problem we have to pray God to help us.God will help us if we want to be a happy man.
    Although we have to avoid our bad habits and our life will be a full of happiness.

  17. Audi A6 Miami says:

    You know, it’s interesting. Forgiveness can be one of the biggest things that can put you at peace with yourself.

  18. I really appreciated this post as it contained some very important messages in it.This blog is very informative.

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