Confidence journey – what is it about? Ever since we were little, the things we did and the people we met all contributed to our confidence level. Mind you, they haven’t determined our confidence, (we do that) – they just contributed to it. The things we were able to do well showed us we were good at some things. The things we were unable to do showed us our weaknesses (and we all have them). The people we saw and lived with all told us in word and action how able or how deficit we were. This article is about your confidence journey and how you can make it a better one.
Your confidence journey
Your past and the lack of support you received cannot determine your destiny where your confidence level is concerned. The road you take now determines how high your confidence can be built. Of course, knock-backs in the past can affect how well we build confidence when we grow up. However, if this was set in stone, all successful people would be those who’ve come from good homes, from affluent families, with astoundingly great parents and healthy bonding experiences. We all know this is rubbish. So how do people rise above knock-backs to become confident? How do people with bad starts in life become statesmen and women and successful business tycoons? They make their own confidence destiny! They take a different path from those of their parents and direct their own journeys.
5 ways you can make a successful confidence journey
1. Decide your future depends on you. Why? If you don’t do this you will allow the people in your past who negatively affected your confidence to win. They thought you couldn’t do it then. If you can’t do it now, they were right. You’ve made them right.
2. Keep fighting to boost your confidence. Don’t give up when you fail. This is the key. When you fall, get up. The more you get up, the less you’ll fall in the future. Why? You’ll know what makes you stumble. Then you’ll avoid it at all cost.
3. Use confidence-building aides, but only if they’ll help you. Remember that we’re all individuals and you won’t be helped by the same things other people are helped by. Work out what you need, what works for you, and go with it.
4. Remove yourself from people who bring you down. Do a friends’ overhaul if you have to. Hang around with positive people, people from whom you can learn. Surround yourself with people who show the world to you in a different, more colourful light. Listen to them and learn from their lead. Why? Doing something often enough becomes a habit. Habits can be good if they’re confidence or life enhancing.
5. Don’t give yourself unattainable goals in your confidence building journey. If you look at the bigger picture it may become too overbearing when you consider all you have to do. Big tasks are daunting. Build confidence by looking at your plan bit by bit. Bite off only as much as you can comfortably chew. Once you’ve ‘digested’ that small portion, bite off another piece. In other words, take baby steps to confidence building.
Now you know how to make your successful journey to confidence building. Don’t be pressured into making any decisions before you’re ready. However, do take a step. The tiniest step is still an upward move. The worst you can do is, nothing. Don’t read this and leave, then do nothing. Stop all your planning and take a step now. Your confidence is suffering from your inactivity. It’s time to get up and go get the confidence you’ve always wanted – the confidence you deserve!
Thank you Anne – for the opportunity to comment and add a couple of suggestions to build higher levels of “Self Confidence”:
1. Our highest purpose in our Life journey is to learn and practice true “Self Love” (not ego or vanity) – to truly love, respect and appreciate ourselves for who we are, the shining light that we are, without expecting perfection…
“If you met your truest self in the mirror, you would be blinded by its light.” ~ Aine Belton
When we have love for “Self”, “Self Confidence” flows naturally, and then we can be way more effective in overcoming obstacles, making our goals a reality, living the life of our dreams, and helping others along their journey also.
2. Another great way to build higher levels of “Self Confidence” is to model the attitudes, behaviors, habits, skills and strategies of people with high “Self Confidence”.
P.S. Anne, I love Interior Design also. We have much in common
P.P.S. Don’t you just love CommentLuv+?
Kathy recently posted..Do You Have What it Takes to Be Successful?
Thanks for your input, Kathy. You said it very well. We can learn so much from people who’ve been there before us and done the things we aim and hope to do.
Definitely love ComLuv+ What a super idea. I wish I’d come up with it You know what, my comluv affiliate link at the bottom of the comment box is not clickable. I must have done something wrong with it. Still struggling to fix it. Have you done yours?
Anne recently posted..Budget Christmas Decorating Tips For Your Home
Hi Anne,
Awesome steps to achieve confidence. I especially like #2 where you say “Keep fighting” I feel that is the key. When we lack confidence, we have to learn new learning curves in our lives. We cannot expect them to come over night. Each step is a mighty one. Also, keeping your goals simple on a step by step basis is another great idea.
I myself had to go down a very long road to achieve this. But the past is the past and I needed more tools. So I went out and got some! It is a constant learning challenge.
I thank you for bringing up this subject because so many people are “trapped” in many ways by their lack of confidence. It holds them back from a fulfilling life. I enjoyed reading your blog and will visit again,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Develop Your Power – Part 2
Lack of confidence does hold you back from a fulfilling life. Some people have a measure of success, but without confidence, their lives always feel empty – in need of something more. Confidence is so important to our well-being.
Thanks for visiting, Donna. Hope to see you again soon.
Anne recently posted..Budget Christmas Decorating Tips For Your Home
Hi Anne
Thanks for your response.
No I haven’t gotten my affiliate link yet, but it’s on my list of things to do. So I’ll ket you know how I go.
Kathy recently posted..How To Resolve Your Internal Conflict That’s Preventing You From Achieving Success
Kathy, if you have comluv+, you automatically have an affiliate link. From your dashboard, go to comluv. Click on main settings. On the right, go to members forum. When you get on this page, on the left you’ll see – ‘your account’, ‘affiliates tools and stats’. Click on this. Go to ‘settings’. and you’ll see your affiliate number.
Hope this helps.
Anne recently posted..Budget Christmas Decorating Tips For Your Home