Do you have trouble claiming your blessings? Do you try for a while to appreciate what you have but so get distracted by other people’s accomplishments, you forget how valuable yours are? Do you find yourself so overly concerned with what others are doing, you lose track of the direction in which you’re leading your life? If this is you, you may not be claiming your blessings as your own. You’re steadily allowing them to fall from your grasp and wither away. In order to confidently claim blessings, you need to focus – focus on what’s in front of you, already in your hands. This short article will spur you on the confidently claim the blessings you’ve already received in your life.
I gave my son 2 twenty pence pieces today. Then I gave his younger sister a small handful of five pence coins. ‘How come she’s got more than me!’ he said indignantly. He swallowed a mouthful of further complains when I told him his sister had only thirty pence, to his forty.
Confidently claim your blessings
This event with the kids brought to mind a really important life lesson to me. It’s easy to sink into an inner struggle when we see people who appear to have more than we do. If we took just a second to really think about the quality of the quantity we may see the truth.
What do you see in the picture above? Do you see two faces or a vase? Staring at your friend’s handful of fives blinds you to the value of your 2 twenty pence pieces. No matter how hard you try you can’t see both of them at the same time. Go ahead and try!
Waiting to receive a blessing may take a while. You’ll convert value easier and much quicker if you work with the blessings you already have. Look at them, claim them, and use them to enrich your life and the lives of those around you.
What looks like an abundance in units (of blessings), may actually be less when the value of the personalised blessing is taken into account. Let’s not look at our neighbour’s wealth which, on the surface, seems more than we’ve got.
As long as we’ve got peace and soundness of mind, we can still dream, we can still achieve, we can still grow. The largest bank balance is useless to a person who’s lost their peace or presence of mind. Let’s be happy that we can still think and dream big! One day it’ll be my (and your) turn to have 2 twenties instead of a handful of fives.
Here’s to dreams both big and small. Today, I’m really thankful for my dreams and pray for the ability to confidently claim blessings I already have.
Recommended reading: Building self-confidence tips. Please also check out my new guest post on Meant to be Happy: What’s buried in the Rust and Rubble of Your Life
What a lovely message and important reminder Anne. There’s so much talk about gratitude these days, and yet if you think of the intense interest so many people have in the lives of those who have so much – the rich, the celebrities – I believe there’s a couple of things going on. Curiosity of course, but also a healthy dose of envy about the abundant lives they lead, and for some the desire to catch these people stumbling so that they can feel better about their own lives. Fortunately, happiness and fulfillment isn’t predicated upon the amount of stuff you have so, as you say, why not focus on valuing our own peace and presence of mind.
You can say that again, Marty. It’s been proven time and time again that popularity or money and things don’t bring us happiness. One look at the celebrities you mentioned will show us that.
It’s not how much we have, it’s how we use what we do have.
Anne recently posted..Design Ideas For Small Gardens
Anne: This was really a great message. I really enjoyed reading it because it reminded me to count the blessings I already have. I mean, I have been trying to do that, but sometimes I forget about what I already have. I want to become more content with the things I already have. Even if I do end up having a lot of money, I do not want to be a person that feel like they always have to buy themselves something. I feel blessed to have what I already have and anything more is not a need, but only what I want.
Look forward to your next post!
God bless,
William Veasley
William Veasley recently posted..Hello World!
Thank you for dropping by, William. There’s a lot of sense in what you’ve said. So many people try to buy things to bring them happiness. If you’re not happy from the inside out, no amount of ‘stuff’ will get you there.
Anne recently posted..10 Things To Do Once A Year
Anne: I know that if I was buying nice objects in the hopes of attracting girls and it didn’t work, then I would be in a bad situation. No money and no girls.
William Veasley recently posted..The Pursuit of Happiness
Confidently being the MAGIC word here and BLESSINGS being the by-product of manifestation!
Great post my friend,
Abundant Blessings,
Thank you, Nancy. I see we’ve both posted on the same topic this week. Great minds… and all that 🙂
Anne recently posted..Smart Ways To Declutter Your Home
I really do believe that we all have our own personal blessings and that we have to be more grateful for being alive and getting to share this life with our loved ones. Thank you for this wonderful article, Anne.
Mariella Lombardi recently posted..30 Women With Sexy Abs Dance Around Me
I agree, Mariella. This is exactly why it’s senseless to spend energy envying others. We have our own individual blessing which is specially formulated to fit our needs and talents. And they have theirs.
Thanks for the visit and comment.
Anne recently posted..Duct Tape For DIY
Very Power Insight on claiming your blessings. Its tough sometimes to see the results we want in our lives through other peoples lives. But we have to be thankful for what we already have to before God can bless us with more. We have to claim our blessings as though they are hear by speaking them into existence. Complaining about what he or she has will actually hender your blessing because it is not an act of Faith. God is only moved by faith and there is no reward for ungratefulness, bitterness, and jealousy.
read my article
God Bless!
Thanks for your insightful comment, Maurice. God is indeed moved by faith. Thanks for reminding us about this today. It’s so easy to forget. The faithful are blessed with even more.
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Anne recently posted..Duct Tape For DIY
BTW, there’s something wrong with your blog. I tried to comment, but it kept telling me I was spam. I did leave a good-sized comment with my name, email and website filled in. Strange…
Anne recently posted..Duct Tape For DIY
Thanks for informing me of that Anne. I do apologize for that, they set my spam plugin was set wrong I had to go in and fix it myself. It’s working now!
If you wouldn’t mind, I would really appreciate it if you would go back and re-comment on it. Thanks!