The presence of  hundreds of methods for building self-confidence and the information overload we’re all experiencing in this era have left many people confused about the best ways to build self confidence.This article will explore 5 of the most effective methods there are, which can work for almost anyone.

A guest post by M.Farouk Radwan

How to build self-confidence


Build self-confidence by acquiring the missing skills

One of the best ways to build self-confidence is to learn new skills. Anxiety attacks when you find yourself unsure of your ability to do a certain task. This usually happens when you lack certain important skills required to get the job done. Once you manage to learn that skill and master it your self-confidence will  become higher.

Build self-confidence by seeing the real world

Perception problems are among the top causes for lack of self-confidence. A typical perception problem will usually happen when a person sees reality incorrectly. For example a person could believe that others didn’t like him because they weren’t nice to him, even though he has no real proof of the fact. In such a case his incorrect perception of reality will lower his self-confidence.

Build self-confidence by getting rid of limiting beliefs

People form limiting beliefs during their childhood then live with them for the rest of their lives unless something forces them to change them. Limiting beliefs such as “I am no good”, “I can’t succeed” or “I am a total failure” ruin the person’s self-confidence and prevent him from reaching his true potential. One of the most effective self-confidence building methods is getting rid of false beliefs.

Build self-confidence by making serious real life changes

Let’s suppose that a person dislikes the fact that he is lazy. In such a case even if that person did all the self confidence building methods he found he will still feel that something is wrong with him and here comes the magical self confidence building tip: doing real life changes! Some people think that confidence building activities are all about mental changes while in fact, some real life changes in the external world can result in dramatic changes in self confidence. If that person managed to break his laziness habit then certainly he will become more confident.

Build self-confidence by writing down your strengths and weaknesses

When you become aware of your strengths and weaknesses it becomes harder for people to fool you or let you believe that you are less worthy than you truly are. Its easier to fool a man who don’t know himself than to fool a man who knows himself very well. Document your strengths and weaknesses honestly then work on improving your strengths and reducing the number of weaknesses you have.

Written by M.Farouk Radwan

The founder of


5 Responses to “Self-Confidence: 5 Ways To Build It”

  1. farouk says:

    Hi Anne
    thank you so much for publishing the article : )

    • Anne says:

      You’re welcome, Farouk. I don’t know why this went into the spam folder. I think it’s because the word count of the comment was a bit short. All the best.

  2. farouk says:

    Aha that’s why , i will put that in mind the next i write a comment
    thanks for taking it out of the spam folder
    keep in touch please 🙂

  3. Anne, thanks for sharing these wise words from Farouk. This is an awesome way to build confidence. I find that confidence building is an important part of business. If we don’t have the confidence in ourselves, we get no where.
    Anne, you are always here to help people with their inner-selves and that to me is the most import part of who we are and what we do.
    Keep your wise words coming…..Donna
    Donna Merrill recently posted..The Power Of TribesMy Profile

    • Anne says:

      Thanks for your kind comment, Donna. I really appreciate it. You’re definitely right, you can’t get anywhere in business – much less run your own business if you have not confidence in what you’re worth. Your confidence is what attracts others to you. I know you’re very successful in this field.
      Anne recently posted..Feng Shui TipsMy Profile

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