If you’re like my son, you don’t like school. However, one school we all have to attend is the school of life, and learn life lessons from living in this world. There’s no dropping out, no playing truant, no ‘pulling sickies’. The school of life teaches us many things – one of the major lessons we learn is how to build confidence to make use of the things we’re taught there. Each day, each lesson takes us closer to building and boosting our confidence levels. I’m going to take a wild guess and assume you’re already enrolled in a school of life. I’m going to also guess that when you ticked the ‘terms and conditions’ box to finalise your tuition you didn’t actually read the entire document. Therefore, I’m just going to reiterate some of the major points you may have forgotten over your years of constant attendance.
Life Lessons From Living – terms and conditions
You will attend class each day, you have no alternative.
You’ll be taught lessons. Some you’ll like and do well at, others you’ll be rubbish at, and some you’ll think – ‘I’ll never use that in real life’ but be assured that if a lesson is taught, it’s one you need. If you don’t pay attention to the lesson the first, second, third time, it will be taught over and over until you get it.
There will be other students in class. Some will be naturally gifted, others will have varying forms of dyslexia. The entire class will seem much smoother if you have a balance with whom you hang out. Hang out with the bright students if they can teach you something to help you on your way. Hang out with the slower pupils so you can help teach them something and make the lessons easier for them.
There will be disruptive students in your lessons. Stay away from them. They’ll get you into trouble with the headmaster. More importantly, they’ll get you thrown into remedial classes where you have to learn the lessons you don’t like over and over and over again.
Your lessons will be taught at a gradual pace. You will never be given more than you’re ready for. If your lessons seem hard, it’s because you’ve been deemed ready for an upgrade and you have to prove yourself ready.
You’ll be given tools to help you along with your lessons. You’ll always have tools of the same value as the other students, but never the same ones. Some of you will only need your bodies for your lessons. However, some of you will need to bring additional aides like reading glasses, wheelchairs, hearing aides etc. Each is perfect, but each is different.
You won’t move onto higher education until you learn that other students’ performances are perfect for them and your achievements – perfect for you.
Accelerated classes are only for those students who learn from an early stage that secret and personal activities – especially those which build slower students (for the betterment of the class as a whole) are constantly assessed.
Your school bag will be given to you at the time of your automatic enrolment. You will learn from inside it all your life. Some will be darker, lighter, fatter, thinner, taller, shorter than others. Remember that the other students are all living and learning from inside their allotted school bags. They use it to bring themselves to school. Since the students are all the same, the teachers use the bags to be able to tell them apart on the outside. This is the sole purpose of bags. They’re not to be used to hit each other, tease each other or judge each other.
The school of life will not be dismissed for break-time. Study like you’ve always got an exam. Live like you’re always been assessed.
Please share the ‘Life Lessons From Living’ on you social networking sites and leave a comment with a 2012 lesson you’ve learnt from your classes. Thank you.
Hi Anne,
This is so cool! I love the analogy and the wonderful things you point out.
The best teacher I ever had, Mrs. McLoed, always gave tests two or three times until everyone in the class got a passing grade. Those who had already done well didn’t have to retake if they didn’t want to, but could and use if their grade was better.
I usually did fairly well on my tests, but I thought at the time, what a wise teacher because of how it helped the other kids. To her, the important thing was for everyone to understand the material and not to fail. Each test had different questions on the same material so there was no way to remember answers.
As you say, this is exactly like the school of life. Thank you for sharing. You are very wise! Sally
Sally Brown recently posted..The Miracle of a Smile!
Thanks for your kind comment, Sally. I appreciate it.
Isn’t it funny how we remember our good teachers forever? I still remember my Primary school teacher, who was always very kind to me.
Hi Anne,
Wonderful post, indeed!
Absolutely, the school of life is one we are all enrolled in. It is a school that provides the richest of experiences from which we grow and develop.
One lesson I learnt in the school of life in 2012 is that ‘setbacks’ may seem like ‘setbacks’ at the time. However, they are just opportunities in disguise.
Hiten recently posted..Obstacles to change and what to do about them
That’s right, Hiten. The hard thing is to be able to see our lessons as opportunities. It takes time to build up this skill but once we’ve achieved it, there’s no looking back. We’re then able to see the silver lining in even the darkest clouds.
its a great thing how we can come up with life lessons as a result of watching our children, thanks for the post : )
farouk recently posted..How to turn despair into happiness
Very nice post and so true.
Donna DM recently posted..This Way and That Way
Great article on the lessons we can learn from children. Well done
I agree, we need to learn from our experience to be better than before
Alarm Mobil recently posted..Talang Air All New CRV
Good post. carry on like this what you have posted above. This post is awesome to read about life.
So agree, if you choose people that have good skills you can improve yourself by the ones you choose. Great post!
Hello Anne,
There is an old saying that your own life is the biggest institute for learning. superlike to your sentence “You will never be given more than you’re ready for” . its indeed true. keep writing such amazing thoughts its really full of inspiration.
Great article on how our whole life is like going to school, where we learn from our lessons and experiences. We take in knowledge and we are learning all the time, no matter what our age is.
Lexi recently posted..Chi Kung – Creating Optimum Health
Awesome post.i am agree with you that the school life is one of the best place for experience.
amran living recently posted..Glamorous Evening Gowns by Ralph Lauren
This is so cool!life is the biggest institute for learning.
We take in knowledge and we are learning all the time,
Great article on how our whole life is like going to school, where we learn from our lessons and experiences.
I teach my children “lessons in life” all the time. Sometimes my friends are shocked that my 14 year old irons her own school uniform but at least i know that when she goes away to university, she will always look presentable.

Hayley recently posted..How to Lose Friends and Influence People
yes school life this can be mold all your confidence. from the school you learn how to be a good leader and a member of the society.
thank you for wonderful post. it is remember school days that provides the richest of experiences from which we grow and develop.
Hello Angel,
There is an old saying that your own lifestyle is the greatest institution for studying. superlike to your phrase “You will never be given more than you are prepared for” . its indeed real. keep composing such awesome ideas its really complete of motivation.
very beautiful and memorable post, I really like it.
Was really amazed of this post! A real lesson in life.
I believe that everything we go through in life teaches us a lesson. Whether it’s good or bad. Everything can make you stronger, and make you look at life in a completely different way.