Have you ever been told that the obvious answer is probably the right one? We spend our lives looking for ways to build confidence. We waste so much time waiting for the right person and the right time to come along that we miss too much of what’s happening right in front of us. We have our eyes closed so tightly dreaming airy dreams of things that would never happen, that we can’t see obvious opportunities staring us right in the face. 

Self confidence aides are great and I even recommend some helpful ones on this blog (at the link). But studying them and never putting them into practise is missing the obvious answer where building confidence is concerned.

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Self confidence is not… We’ve talked a lot about how to build confidence on this blog. We even published self-confidence apps and dedicate an entire page to build confidence aides. On ‘How to Build Confidence’ we’ve explored how confidence is built, what to do to boost your confidence and ways to take that forward-step in your life. Today I wanted to publish a short post concentrating on what self-confidence is not. I came across the picture below on the Internet. Unfortunately, I don’t know who owns it or where it originates. If you took this photograph please contact me and I’ll add your link as a credit. 

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I’ve put  Confidence Quotes 3  together because the first set of confidence quotes has been extremely popular on ‘How To Build Confidence’. It seems that subscribers, readers, and passers-by equally welcome little, digestible bits of confidence and success quotes at intervals. Of course, my aim is to satisfy my audience, so  I shall stand and deliver! 🙂  

And you know what? I can promise you that these are unique. You will have never seen these confidence quotes (or success quotes) on any other blog, or anywhere else on the web but here on How to Build Confidence. You can find the other pages here:

Confidence quotes 1 

Confidence quotes 2

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A time to kill is not a new concept. A lot of people know this phrase from Ecclesiastes chapter 3. Others know it from the bare facts of their own lives. There are times in your live when you’ll feel rotten and useless. These are some of the most profitable times in your life because you use them (more than any other period) to develop your character. When the phase is over, it’s time to kill the negative and move on. Using this same principle, you can also kill the shackles and hang-ons you carry around which keep you from building confidence to achieve your dreams. Ecclesiastes Chapter 3: 1-13 (NIV) says: 

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Will it break or make you asks a simple question, but it’s a principal that affects all aspects of your life when it comes to building confidence.  It’s also a question that’s most important when making practical, life-changing decisions while things are tough in your life. After all, isn’t it during the tough times that we make the crucial decisions about the direction we want our lives to take? Yes, will it make or break you?

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Change your life right now! What does it take? Most people know that it takes a while before a person can reach his goals and change his life. And while this is a an unquestionable fact, it  doesn’t mean that you can’t make small changes to improve your life in few weeks if not  in few days!

While you can’t reach your life’s goals overnight you still can take small actions that can help you live a better life almost instantly. Here are some quick-fix ways below. Be warned though: quick fixes fade as quickly as they appear. The best way to build true confidence is to employ these and other skills on this blog on a long-term basis. Additional reading: 5 ways to boost confidence in 48 hours.

This is a guest post by Farouk Radwan.

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The way to boost confidence is not just by reading every self-confidence book there is going.  The foundation to boosting confidence is laid by enriching the person you are,  first from the inside. We do this by first eliminating the stress  we feel about not being confident in the first place. You see, if you’re not actively looking to boost confidence, but are concentrating on self-fulfilment instead, this makes you happy with yourself, so you ‘seem’ confident. 

Remember that self-confidence doesn’t come from the outside.  It’s the way you react to external situation which causes the let-down you feel about yourself.  Confident people are those who stay upbeat even in rough times, and positive in times of distress.  If good times categorically brought elation – and hard times desperation, then we would all be a bunch of depressed people.

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