Reflect inward: build confidence will talk briefly about how looking inward can affect your confidence positively.  Taking in the big picture with eyes wide open eyes can sometimes scare us by making the job too overwhelming. Today, if you do one confidence building activity,  close your eyes and look inwards for strength.

Reflect inward: build confidence


Sometimes inner reflections can help us see mirror on the outside, what we see on the inside.

I took this picture in France during our holidays last year. We’d stop off for a break and noticed these hills across the road. We couldn’t leave the area without getting closer, so we crossed the road to take pictures. The thing that struck me was how calm the water was. You could clearly see the reflection of the hills, trees and other plants in the water – so clear in fact, it was impossible to tell where the reflections stopped and the real thing began.

Life can be the same way. Wouldn’t it be fantastic if we can mirror on the outside what we imagine and know we are on the inside?

The good news is that we can!   All we need is a little introspection. Give yourself that confidence boost today by simply doing the following: Close your eyes and think of the most important thing you want to achieve today. Go ahead – close your eyes.

Concentrate hard on the thing you want to achieve. See yourself finishing it.

Think of the first step you have to take to get that thing started.

Now think of what you need to do to move it along.

See yourself finishing it.

Put your shoulders back – not rigid straight – just enough to give your lungs their full potential to breathe deeply.  Inhale deeply (then exhale) for five minutes and keep that task in mind. This is so that your body can relax and mirror on the outside the image you’ve ‘seen’ on the inside. If you can get to the point of total relaxation, your mind – like the picture above – won’t know where ‘reflection’ stopped and where the real thing began.

Now, get up and take that first step you saw on the inside. You don’t have to finish the job all at once, the fact that you’ve taken the first step will boost your confidence enough to give you  ‘energy credit’ to advance, continue and achieve – not just this job, but other bigger ones too!

Please share your ways to gaining enough confidence to get your jobs done. If you like ‘Reflect Inward: Build Confidence’, please share it on your favourite social networking sites. Thank you.

6 Responses to “Reflect Inward: Build Confidence”

  1. Nancy Shields says:

    Hello Friend,

    Great post and exercise – it’s all about breathing in life – the most important part of the breath taking it all in and letting it all let go.

    Capturing what is in the inside I think also comes from a place of love for self. Surrender, Allow and Wonder….to be one with the inside in such a way that you shine on the outside…

    In gratitude,

  2. Hi Anne, What a wonderful way showing us how to build confidence. Seeing it in your mind and seeing that first step you would make is so powerful.
    Someone once told me “You gotta have a plan!” I always think of that when things get me down. I end up doing something like you explained above.
    It really works!
    Donna Merrill recently posted..LinkedIn – My Secret WeaponMy Profile

  3. marquita herald says:

    Inspirational as always Anne – I especially like that you’ve broken the process down into steps. So often we read about visualization as one step – see yourself succeed … period. But research has clearly proven that the key to successful visualization is to see yourself completing the steps along the way (and hopefully enjoying the process!). Thanks!

  4. Anne says:

    Thank you, Marty.

    And yes, enjoyment is a very important ingredient in completing the steps to achieving your goal. I think the lack of enjoyment is why a lot of people leave tasks half-way completed.
    Anne recently posted..Choosing And Applying PaintMy Profile

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