Building confidence apps isn’t something I thought I’d be talking about in the near future. However, many people seem to need a little extra push when it comes to giving their confidence a push-start. Whether it’s building your confidence to help you talk to the opposite sex,  boosting your body confidence, or giving  your confidence a swift boost for a specific task at hand, these confidence building apps I found are remarkable for the job. Now, please note that these apps are not meant to have long-term effects. They’re simply meant to give you a kick start while you improve your permanent confidence-building skills. Look below for the apps, but you’ll certainly want to check out how to build confidence and 5 top ways to boost confidence for more long lasting effects.

 Building confidence  apps


use whatever you can to help build confidence


Building confidence  – talk the talk

Do you need tools to be more effective in your personal life? Do you like to sound like you know what you’re talking about? Talking the right talk will get people paying attention to you. This sort of attention will make you feel better about yourself and give you more confidence in the strengths which you already possess (but lay dormant). The Lifecheck app  gives you free advice based on your gender, age and lifestyle.  Of course, it goes without saying that this is not something to depend on as a lifestyle. It’s just a stop gap to help you on your way.

Building confidence  – improve your life

Struggling to achieve something you’ve been trying to do can really play havoc on your self-confidence. Have you been battling with something for so long, you feel it’s taken control of your very existence? NHS Quit Smoking app will help you quit for once and for all. Being able to finally achieve one of your health goals will not only put a sparkle in your eye and a spring in your step, it will give your confidence a boost too.

Building confidence  – do something great

Living in a rut can seriously damage your self-confidence. You do the same things every day and you feel like you desperately need a change. You feel like your life is passing in front of you, and all you can do is sit on the couch and watch it course by. Doing something great with your life lifts your spirits and restores the faith you once had in the things you could do. The Couch to 5K app shows you how to achieve a 5K run in a matter of a few weeks. Building confidence is not necessarily easy, but it’s achievable.

Building confidence   – hit your healthy weight

How we look has a huge impact on how people behave towards us. How people behave towards us has a vast effect on how we begi n to see ourselves. Have you had trouble with your weight? Do you need help to hit your healthy weight without going on a diet? The Daily Burn app helps you to scan barcodes to see what’s really in your food. It also helps you to find exercises which will suit your individual needs and track your own weight loss.

Like the caption under the image above says, determine to use whatever you can to help build confidence. These building confidence apps are certainly not what you need to sustain your confidence for a lifetime, however, many of us desperately need stop-gaps in our lives to give us that extra push. Once you’ve been able to achieve the starter courses these provide, you’ll be ready for greater things – things which improve your self-confidence and give you the life you need. Work hard to achieve the goals you want where your confidence is concerned. Learn what helps you do so, and stick with it. This blog will provide you with several ways to boost your confidence. Please look around and subscribe to get our new updates in your inbox regularly. Leave a comment if you can’t find something, and as always, please share this post with those you think will benefit from it. 

2 Responses to “Building Confidence Apps”

  1. Hi Anne, Great post! Anything we can do to build our confidence is important. I love these great ideas that you have given. The “Lifecheck” app especially sparks my interest. Thanks for this valuable information.
    Donna Merrill recently posted..Reflecting On Lessons Of 2011My Profile

  2. Anne says:

    Hi Merrill,
    Yes, that was the one I really liked as well. However, I related more the the last one because that’s the sort of thing I write about in one of my books. Hope you’re well.
    Anne recently posted..HGTVMy Profile

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